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Gwasanaeth gweinyddu angladdau Dyfed Wyn Roberts

Dyfed Wyn Roberts's funeral celebrant service

Creu gwasanaeth ar gyfer eich anghenion chi

Sut hoffech chi ddathlu bywyd un oedd yn bwysig i chi? Dyma'r cwestiwn canolog y bydd Dyfed yn gallu eich helpu i'w ateb wrth ichi drefnu gwasanaeth fydd yn ddathliad o fywyd.


Efallai eich bod am gael gwasanaeth Cristnogol traddodiadol, neu wasanaeth digrefydd, neu gymysgedd o'r ddau - chi pia'r dewis.

Crafting a funeral service for your needs

How would you like to celebrate the life of a loved one? This is the central question Dyfed will help you answer as you design a funeral service that is a celebration of a life.


You may want a traditional Christian service, a non-religious service, or a mixture of the two - the choice is yours.

Dyfed Wyn Roberts, funeral celebrant

30 mlynedd a mwy

Mae gan Dyfed Wyn Roberts dros dri deg o flynyddoedd o brofiad yn arwain angladdau. Mewn amlosgfeydd, mewn capeli ac eglwysi ac mewn mynwentydd awyr agored, mae'r profiad gan Dyfed i arwain angladd gydag urddas a thosturi. 


30 plus years

Dyfed Wyn Roberts has over thirty years’ experience of conducting funerals. In crematoria, in chapels and churches and in open air graveyards, Dyfed has led services with dignity and compassion.


Beth yw angladd?

Efallai bod y cwestiwn yn un amlwg i'w ofyn ac eto gall yr ateb gynnwys sawl elfen.


I gychwyn, mae angladd yn gyfle i deulu a ffrindiau yr un sy'n cael ei garu i ddod at ei gilydd.

Maent yn dod at ei gilydd i ddweud ffarwel wrth eu ceraint.

Hefyd byddant yn cofio bywyd eu ceraint a'r cwbl yr oedd ef neu hi yn ei olygu iddynt ac i ddathlu'r cwbl oedd yn dda amdanynt.

Ond maent hefyd yn dod ynghyd i ddangos eu cariad tuag at ei gilydd yn eu galar. I lawer, mae'r cymysgu anffurfiol sy'n digwydd cyn ac ar ôl y gwasanaeth lawn mor bwysig â'r gwasanaeth ffurfiol ei hun.

Mae angladd hefyd yn nodi pwynt pwysig yn y daith trwy alar sy'n dilyn marwolaeth. Gall fod yn bont holl bwysig rhwng teimlo'r sioc o dderbyn y newydd am y farwolaeth, i gyfnod o fyfyrio a symud trwy'r broses o alaru, gan gyrraedd y pwynt lle nad yw'r golled mor boenus ond bod atogfion hapus yn parhau o'ch ceraint.

Does dim 'ffordd gywir' i gynnal angladd. Y teulu ddylai gael y dewis o be i'w gynnwys a gall Dyfed helpu yn y broses honno, gan sicrhau y bydd y gwasanaeth yn siwtio ac y gellid edrych yn ôl arno gan wybod bod y teulu wedi gwneud yr hyn sy'n iawn iddyn nhw a'u ceraint.

What is a funeral?


This might sound like an obvious question to ask and yet the answer can include many elements. 


To begin with, a funeral is an opportunity for the family and friends of a loved one to come together. 


They gather to say goodbye to their loved one. 


They will also remember their loved one’s life and what he or she meant to them and to celebrate all that was good about them. 


But they also gather to show their love to each other in their grief. To many, the informal mingling that happens before and after the service can be just as important as the formal service itself.


The funeral also marks an important moment in the journey of grief that follows a death. It can be a vital bridge from the initial shock and all that needs to be done following the death, to a new period of reflection and moving through the grieving process, finally reaching a point where the death is less painful but the loved one is still cherished in their memories.


There is no ‘right way’ to conduct a funeral. It is for the family to decide and Dyfed will help in that process, ensuring that a fitting service is held, a service that can be looked back on with the knowledge that they have done the right thing for their loved one.

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